When you’re at uni you’re always told volunteering looks great on your CV. Then the first thing that springs to mind is bag packing at the supermarket or volunteering in a charity shop. This isn’t everyone’s cup of tea and it’s enough to put some people off. My flatmate volunteered at a charity shop and she got a lot out of it so it’s definitely not to be knocked if you want retail experience or that’s just what you want to do. But for those of you who cringe every time someone mentions the word “volunteering”, there’s so much more to it.
The one thing I’d seriously recommend is volunteering for events. There are so many different events out there that it’s easy to find one in something that interests you. I know event volunteering isn’t for everyone but I think it’s definitely worth having a go. It’s ok if afterwards you go “maybe that wasn’t for me”, but at least you’ve done it and can put it down on your CV as experience.
In my first year of uni, I applied to volunteer for a music conference and festival and ended up working on their expo. I was doing a media degree so I thought it would be a good way to get experience as a runner. I absolutely loved it! Second year of uni brought about another opportunity to volunteer for a different conference. It was then that someone suggested the idea of a career in events management to me. I haven’t looked back since.
Through volunteering I’ve found what it is I want to do and I’ve got so much out of it. For a start, you’re getting free entry in to an event and I certainly wouldn’t say no to a free wristband for a music festival - I’ve got to see some great bands because of it! It’s also a great way to meet people and make friends, as well as securing some good contacts in the industry. It’s given me quite a confidence boost as well. I’ve found I really come into my own working for an event; I’m not one for sitting still much so I really enjoy the busyness of it all. I’ve even managed to get a paid event out of my volunteering so it’s a good way to get other opportunities, including work experience or internships.
I’ve now done 9 events, taking on roles from runner through to venue manager, working across 4 different cities. I’ve got enough ‘volunteer’ t-shirts to fill a wardrobe on their own! If you’re willing to travel for an event then that’s credit to you, some will even be prepared to pay your travel expenses in return for you.
Whilst you’re a student it’s the perfect time to volunteer. You get to take a break from studying but at the same time still doing something proactive. Many events will take you on even if you’ve got no previous experience because events don’t work without volunteers. There are lots of transferable skills to be gained from events and you’ll learn a lot about yourself as well. What’s more, it’s a customer facing role so when you go for an interview and they say “tell us about a time when you’ve worked with customers/the general public”, you’ll have a good example to talk about.
I can’t encourage students enough to volunteer for events - it’s a great experience. So go find an event that interests you and get involved. It’s only for a few days and you never know, you might find you really enjoy it!