Saturday, 28 April 2012

End as You Begin

So my first post about 'Hustle' came after the very last episode, and now the second post comes after the very first episode. In the other post I asked if anyone wanted to buy me the entire box set of all 8 series - well who would have known that a blog could be such a good way to drop a hint! I now own series 1 and 2! (Thanks Mum and Dad - Dad googled my blog - I never knew 'Hustle' DVDs came in Easter eggs.)

Back to the title of the post then. Having watched the first episode there were a few things I noticed that paralleled the last episode as well:

  • You need to get the whole crew back together.
  • You have to get shot by one of your own whilst the other side think they're one of their's.
  • Money falls from the sky, one way or another.
  • Everyone has to break the forth wall.
  • And, Mickey will tell you it's one last con...

  • The glamour of grifting has only just begun!

    Thursday, 26 April 2012

    A Different Way to Use Images...

    You may well have gathered by now that music videos are something which interests me quite a bit. Well here's another one for you.

    I happened to be watching Demi Lovato's new video for 'Give Your Heart A  Break' and at the end of it, caught site of what is now another ambition of mine. Throughout the video Demi had been putting photos up on a wall of her and the 'boyfriend' in the video. Once she'd finished she projected a another photo of them together on top of all the photos on this wall.

    I just really liked the whole idea and, even though it is very ambitious and a bit out of my reach at the moment, I want to do this some day.

    Tuesday, 24 April 2012

    A Year On

    So today was the final deadline day for assignments and I've just submitted my final essay. Now I'm all done for my first year of uni! It seems like the time has gone so quick and it's definitely been an experience. It's had it's ups and, unfortunately, it's not been without it's downs, but I've come through and I'm still here. The point of this post was to sum up this year, but I'm not really sure what to say about it. I can't tell you if it's been what I expected, which is what everyone asks, because I don't really know what I did expect - it's been a whole new ball game. I'm just glad I don't have to catch a bus any more and can't wait to get into the Redmonds' Building next year.

    The plan now? Well, I'm going to try and get as much work experience in the media industry as I can and start on my little business venture. So here goes...

    Sunday, 22 April 2012

    Sea Odyssey Giant Spectacular

    From Friday 20th April 2012 to Sunday 22nd April 2012 the city of Liverpool was taken over by 3 Giant Marionettes as part of the 100th year anniversary of the sinking of the Titanic. The Little Girl Giant (30 ft), her Uncle (50 ft) and her dog Xolo were created by Royal De Luxe and make up the UK's largest piece of street theatre to date. Read the story of the Giants and visit the website to see what all the hype was about at

    This was an incredible event to have witnessed across all 3 days and something that won't be forgotten in a hurry by anyone who turned out to see the spectacle.