To begin with I had to design the website using Photoshop and save all the individual elements ready for Dreamweaver. Once this was done I could begin to put everything into Dreamweaver and start building the actual website, ready for putting online.
This was the first time that I'd used Dreamweaver but I had previously built a web page using the online creator Wix. Getting used to using Dreamweaver didn't take me too long as once you get the hang of how to do something it just becomes a process of repeating. As always, using this software didn't come without it's problems but through perseverance I got round them one way or another. I quite enjoyed the process of designing and building my own website but I found Dreamweaver to be a bit awkward at times. As this was only my first time with this software I thought it was quite good to use and wouldn't mind using it again. Hopefully the second time around I'd find it a bit easier as I'll know what I'm doing then.
To view my website just follow this link (the domain URL is annoying but we'll just have to deal with it for now) - www.student.ljmu.ac.uk/LSSCDACK/My%20Site/welcome.html